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For example, Summit Racing Equipment sells complete air conditioning kits for classic cars and trucks for $1,150-$1,395 for just the parts installation by an experienced technician can take 12-22 hours at about $50-$100 an hour, bringing total costs to install those kits to $1,750-$3,595. Installing air conditioning in a vehicle that doesn't have any can cost $1,500-$4,000 or more, depending on location and the vehicle's year, make and model luxury vehicles can cost even more.CostHelper readers report costs of $1,000-$3,700 for major air conditioning repairs, with an average of $1,829. For cars built before 1995, the refrigerant will need to be converted to a type that meets current environmental requirements. This can include replacing many or all of the air conditioning system's parts - compressor, condenser, hoses, sensors, belts, pressure switch and valves - and then recharging the refrigerant. Extensive auto air conditioning repairs can cost $1,000-$4,000 or more, depending on make and model.CostHelper readers report paying $171-$727 for minor air conditioning repairs, at an average cost of $488. This generally includes replacing a few parts like hoses, sensors, or either the compressor or condenser. If leaks are detected, it typically costs $150-$800 for minor repairs to a vehicle's air conditioning system and then recharging it.CostHelper readers report paying $115-$260 to have their air conditioning checked and either topped off or recharged, at an average cost of $162. There is no way for a technician to determine exactly how much refrigerant is added to or drained from the system, so most shops charge the same flat fee for topping off or recharging others have a fee for the labor and a separate fee for a set amount of refrigerant (typically two pounds) regardless of the actual amount used.